I “threw” this together yesterday for lunch, and it was truly, amazingly delicious – a fruit salad with coconut yoghurt.
Over the weekend, I think I might have finally conquered my fear of opening coconuts.
Like many people, I’ve always felt a bit daunted by the prospect of opening my own coconuts – it’s dangerous and messy, there’s chance of spilling the precious coconut water everywhere and then what do I do with all the leftover bits?
Aaarrgghhh! Too much trouble, I say.
But then my local organic greengrocer started stocking coconut water kefir, and then they also got their hands on some organic coconuts, and I couldn’t resist the temptation to try once again.
I found myself scouring the internet yet again for the perfect technique to open coconuts safely and easily, and I think I might have finally cracked it! (Ha ha.)
Here’s the video by Elaina Love that helped me master the art:
It’s safe, it’s controlled and it works, and the scientist in me is finally satisfied, because I think I finally understand why (more on that another day).
So I successfully made myself some homemade coconut water kefir, using my purchased kefir as a starter, and then made instant coconut yoghurt with my leftover coconut meat using this quick and easy recipe from Choosing Raw for raw, vegan vanilla coconut yogurt.
And yesterday, when I was deciding what to have for lunch, I assembled a quick fruit salad, with one sliced banana and two sliced strawberries, added a few generous spoonfuls of my tasty coconut yoghurt, and topped it off with a drizzle of raw orange marmalade.
Mmmmm, so sweet and creamy. The flavours combined beautifully and it was a very satisfying dish.
I might just have to get cracking ;)
And have a fantastic day!