Here is the meaning of some of the terms and abbreviations I’ve used in my posts, plus explanations of some of the more unusual ingredients used in raw food dishes.
Heritage plants: These are varieties of fruit & vegetables that used to be grown in small gardens and home vegetables patches, but have been largely ignored by larger-scale farms. Also called heirloom varieties, heritage varieties can offer better flavours, healthier plants and bigger yields, as well as adding more interest to your diet. They can also be fun to grow.
Living food: Food that is basically still alive, like sprouts, fermented foods, and food that has just been harvested.
Raw food: Food that has not been heated above 40-45° Celsius (104-113° Fahrenheit). The exact temperature that defines “raw” depends on who you ask.
Raw foodism: Eating food that is has not been heated above 40° Celsius, and that is in as natural, whole state as possible.
Vegan: Someone who does not eat any foods that have been produced by animals.
Vibrant food: Food that promotes optimal health, happiness and longevity (as defined by me).
Vitamix blender: A high-speed blender used by many raw food enthusiasts.
Interesting foods
Agave nectar: A natural sweetener extracted from the agave cactus. Not all agave nectar is raw.
Capsicum: Another name for bell pepper or sweet peppers.
Coriander: An alternative name for cilantro.
Green smoothie: A blend of fruit, leafy green vegetables and water, as created by Victoria Boutenko
Zucchini: The Australian name for courgette.