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Persimmon lettuce green smoothie discovery
I discovered the most amazing green smoothie combination by accident last night – persimmon and lettuce.
I snagged myself a bargain box of persimmons from my local organic fruit & veggie shop, so I’ve been adding them to all my smoothies this week.
Normally I find that lettuce comes out a bit “grassy” in my banana-heavy typical smoothie base.
But I just happened to start with lettuce and persimmons, and thought to myself “I’ll just see how these two go together before I add anything else”.
And I’m so glad I did.
The persimmon flavour blends perfectly with the green taste of the lettuce.
So much so, that I added even more lettuce than I normally would.
So my persimmon lettuce green smoothie turned out to have just three ingredients – persimmons, lettuce and water.
Simple and delicious. What a discovery!
And then I discovered something else – blended persimmons would make a great pudding base.
How I do know this? Because within minutes my smoothie went solid and I had to spoon it out of the blender jug.
I love experimenting with food! (Especially when it turns out this well).
Have a great day!
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